This is us. We are not great (as our friends and family know) at keeping in regular touch and sending frequent photos. We hope to document big events and/or random good pics we though were worth sharing.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tely 10 Day

Myself (mel) and the kids cheered people on during the Tely 10 run today (10 miles = 16 km). Below is Scott mid-run and the kids while we scanned and waited for people we knew.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A mid-July night's dream

Tash, Jenn, me and Wendolyn about to eat our tea/coffee and desserts at the Ferryland Picnics.

Oh, but really, we are such happy shiny people....

Scott and I running with Maya & Aidan as they finish the 5K Run for Respect.

BBQ pizza on the deck...

Things in Nature - found in NL

Looking closely, you'll see a furry baby bird between the two adult ones (taken at Cape St. Mary's).
A fossil found at Mistaken Point - estimated to be approximately 565 million years old impressions of multicellular organisms buried under volcanic ash.

Sundew carnivorous plant native to NL.
A butterfly. Don't ask me what kind.
A crab. Again, don't ask me what kind.
A whale seen off the coast by Signal Hill.

A whale waving at us at St. Vincents. It breached twice.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

A warm day in St. John's

Maya got to wear her summer-y dress recently. Our trees are a great height for kids to climb now....

Just because -

- it's rare that we get a picture of us. This was taken at my birthday supper out with family.

Happy National Aboriginal Day

It's a few weeks late but Bertha got to wear her cousin's 2-piece dress down to festivities in town.

Double rainbow...

...means what? Double luck maybe. Canceled luck? Even rainbows can have shadows.

Dance Performance

Bertha grooving to Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA".....

Dress Up

Clearly more fun when you get to choose what you wear - Bertha was outfitted by Maya & Aidan (not impressed).