This is us. We are not great (as our friends and family know) at keeping in regular touch and sending frequent photos. We hope to document big events and/or random good pics we though were worth sharing.

Friday, August 10, 2007

A Morton Relation

All Morton's and affiliated people had supper at East Side Marios before Jenn and Douglas (and kids) left for home. Top: Blair, Scott, Bertha. Middle: Jenn, Douglas, Eleanor. Bottom: Daenera, Maya, Keiran, Aidan. Mel took the picture.

All four cousins

All four of them got them painted at the Folk Festival last week. Keiran & Daenera with Maya & Aidan.

Family Visiting

Jenn, Daenera, Keiran and Douglas all came out to visit for three weeks...this is their family. Can you tell with adult is Scott's sibling?

Rock Climbing

Maya scaling a rock..

Bertha & Liz

Taken at the botanical gardens after a tea party...

The cousins

Daenera and Maya are the same age and first cousins...Daenera was visiting St. John's for the second time.