This is us. We are not great (as our friends and family know) at keeping in regular touch and sending frequent photos. We hope to document big events and/or random good pics we though were worth sharing.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Celebrating Bertha's First Birthday

We sang, we ate, we opened her presents. It wasn't very interactive but maybe someday she'll appreciate it? We did.

Liz came over for the birthday supper too.

Excited to be 1.

Doesn't she look thrilled?

Bertha is Kinda Sitting

This is Bertha keeping her balance on her own while we pick blueberries (scott is spotting case you were wondering). I'm not sure if Bertha likes sitting yet. You only need to look at the expression on her face.

Schiefele's Visit

Nelson & Joy visited us here after we visited with them in Waterloo. They are former MCCers in NL. They are going to be lovely lovely grandparents soon.

Bertha Angel Rich

We got her a shirt that has her middle name in it.

The girls

Maya has always been a big sister to Bertha and is very responsible. I particularly like Bertha's new expression here.

Big brother Aidan

Aidan is feeling big this week. He can reach the light switch and make Bertha laugh.

Wendo & Gemma like babies?

I don't know but they like Bertha. I imagine they will be looking to be parents someday too. Bertha has a large "family", for sure. She has many families...that care a lot for her.

While we were away..

Bertha stayed in St. John's while we were visiting in Waterloo for 3.5 weeks. It was arranged for her to be admitted in the Janeway (children's hospital here) for the full time we were away while Liz (caregiver) took Bertha out on day passes. It worked out really well. She was smiling lots and was in a great mood when we got back.


Our participated in vacation bible school at st. jacob's mennonite church (our home church in ontario) while scott and I volunteered. Half of the proceeds from this VBS was generously donated to our work here in st. john's - for Community Mediation Services. We did a presentation on our work.

Grandma & Grampa

Marcy and Aki (Mel's parents) with Maya and Aidan on the back porch of Grampa's house, that will no longer be his when we return next. He plans to sell in the next year or less.

Weber Reunion

We attended a once-every-5-year reunion that I think had attendance of 450-650 people?
I was surprised to see so many head coverings. They were by far the majority of people attending. Decendants of my great great grandparents were invited.

A festival at Victoria Park

I forget the name of the festivities that happened at Victoria Park but it rained down on us shortly after this was taken. We met up with Dave & Juanita (previous housemates), Matthew & Nina (part of same household as Dave & Juan & us), and Doug & Jenn (Scott's brother's family) ... and respective children.

Jen & Sara

Jen Hoffman and Sara Martin and I went to see a movie and eat at the Plantation in Waterloo one night. I'm not sure what Sara is doing exactly.

Tim Janzen

Tim Janzen is a friend from various times in my life (mel speaking) - from Grade 9 at Rockway and youth group at St. Jacob's Menno Church and then again at university and ever since. We picked Tim up on lunch break from Home Hardware headquarters.

Dan & Teresa

Dan (Scott's old university housemate) and Teresa have moved into Kitchener-Waterloo and bought a great home on Park Street. We got to have dinner with them and have ice cream on the back steps while the kids played. This is them with their 2 month old Charlotte.

Matthew & Nina

We used to live with Matthew and Nina prior to moving out o St. John's. We went to their home, went for a walk to the park and then had a bon fire in the back yard (illegal? but had lovely toasty cinnamon break).

Loreen and Eunice

Eunice works as director at the Mennonite Coalition for Refugee Support, where Scott used to work. Loreen is her really great daughter. We went swimming in their pool and had a great meal (as usual) on the back deck.

Steph & Guerino at High Park

Steph and Guerino took us to High Park in Toronto to visit a great castle park and restaurant.

Waiting for the bus?

Maya and Aidan have cousins that are almost the same age as them. This is the foursome waiting for the bus. Dae, Maya, Aidan and Keiran.

Picnic at Waterloo Park (2)

Da boys. Scott and Doug (Scott's only brother), Ron (Scott' father) and Aidan.

Picnic at Waterloo Park (1)

Scott, Chris (Scott's mother), Maya, and Daenera (Maya's cousin).

Uncle Tim Fun

Tim lets kids crawl all over him and these kids, in particular, LOVED that.

Grampa, Grandma Anna and Maya

Having punch on bar stools waiting for the reception to begin for 30 minutes. Grampa told jokes and Maya talked while I'm sure neither grandparent fully understood.

Morton Ninomiya people dressed up

This was taken at Matt & Katie's reception. Maya was a flower girl and Aidan was the ring bearer. Scott took video footage and read scripture... Mel made the cakes and read scripture.

the original three

Myself, Matt, and Tim.

Little Brother Matt got married!

Here is a picture of Matt and Katie (Driedger, from Stratford, Ontario) at their reception. Married August 5, 2006. Katie is starting Teachers' College (primary/elementary) at Western while Matt works for Stantek in Kitchener (civil engineer).