This is us. We are not great (as our friends and family know) at keeping in regular touch and sending frequent photos. We hope to document big events and/or random good pics we though were worth sharing.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Aidan's Par-tay

House was tidied and cleaned (there is a difference, for us)....balloons were blown and banners were hung....cake was made and plans for the party were underway since early this morning.
We planned to work and play in a snow house...but there was barely any snow most of it melted away this week. So, we played origami games (sumo wrestling, frog hopping and airplanes) first.

Then Aidan performed his rehearsed magic show. We taped it - for those of you who live nearby, I can show you sometime.
And then we had cake - Aidan requested a penguin (grade 1 kids at Aidan's school are studying penguins in January).
I have other pics but his friends are in it and I don't think I'll bother with trying to get consent to post pictures. Anyways - party was fun and I'm happy that we have a few months before we do this again for Maya's birthday.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Birthday Boy

Turned SEVEN this week. Took him out for lunch with our family and his great aunt Eleanor and uncle Blair.

Got the fireworks and restaurant clapping/singing to go with the cake.

He's been practicing his magic lately so I made him a magic hat to go with his cape (from last year). He's pretty pumped about doing a show for his friends next weekend.