This is us. We are not great (as our friends and family know) at keeping in regular touch and sending frequent photos. We hope to document big events and/or random good pics we though were worth sharing.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maya is playing baseball

She's the only girl in the division, unfortunately.

Today at the Park

Looking a little more mature these days...?

Ferryland Lighthouse Picnic

Maya is getting the picnic ready...

Middle Cove Beach on Father's Day

Doesn't it look like Maya is tossing a miniature Bertha doll in the air?

Father's Day

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Grampie and Grammie with the kids...

Fishing with Family

The Ninomiya Side of the Family

Hanging out before bedtime..

Mowing with Uncle Matt

Knotting with Grammie at the Quilt Festival